Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024

Revitalizing Westpark: Leesburg Town Council Approves Flex-Industrial Business Park Development

The Leesburg Town Council recently approved an application to develop a flex-industrial business park on a portion of the former Westpark Golf Club property located near the Leesburg Bypass. This redevelopment project, spearheaded by JK Land Holdings, promises to bring new life to the site, which has remained vacant since the golf club’s closure in 2019. 

The JK Land Holdings team purchased the Westpark Golf Club property after the Town Council denied a residential rezoning on the site in 2019. JK placed nearly 134 acres of the property into conservation easement, which will be maintained as a public park by Loudoun County. JK retained the remaining 7.58 acres of the original Westpark property, which was entitled for the development of a 247-room hotel and currently houses the former Westpark clubhouse building constructed in 1970.  

Legacy Leesburg, the Town’s comprehensive plan, identifies the site as ideal for commercial redevelopment due to its proximity to the Leesburg Bypass. The JK team carefully located the building to capitalize on the site’s visibility from the Leesburg Bypass and maximize the distance between the flex-industrial building and nearby residences. Additional building and site design commitments, including the use of high-quality building materials, ample landscaping and masonry screen walls along the Property’s perimeter, and the preservation of thirty percent of the site as open space, ensure that the development will complement the adjacent park and surrounding residential uses.  

Walsh Colucci assisted the JK team in navigating the Town’s rezoning process and addressing various concerns from community members and Town officials, including the proposed flex-industrial building’s compatibility with surrounding residential uses and the Town’s desire to hasten the demolition of the existing clubhouse. The building (pictured below) will be demolished after the project’s site plan application has been approved by the Town.  

The future Westpark Tech business park promises to be a high-quality flex-industrial development in keeping with Leesburg’s character and economic development goals. For more information on the Westpark Tech project or redevelopment in Leesburg, please contact the Loudoun Office. 

This article was written by Morgan Hadlock, an Associate with the firm’s Land Use & Zoning practice group in our Loudoun Office.