Tuesday, Oct 08, 2024

Arlington Moves Forward With Zoning and Planning Initiatives

At its September 14th meeting, the Arlington County Board authorized the Request to Advertise (“RTA”) certain initiatives to advance the County Manager’s Commercial Market Resiliency Initiative (“CMRI”), which seeks to enable the County to better respond to changing economic conditions and consumer trends in the face of increased office vacancy and decreased commercial property tax revenue.

CMRI was authorized by the County Board in April 2022. The first round of CMRIs included the establishment of new commercial uses and a minor restructuring of the Arlington County Zoning Ordinance (“ACZO”). The second round of CMRI focusses on opportunities to alleviate regulatory hurdles that could impede market solutions to commercial resiliency.

The most recently advertised initiatives include the following:

  • Nonconforming Buildings and Structures: This amendment would add flexibility for owners of nonconforming townhouses and multifamily buildings in the RA and R2-7 zoning districts to make interior structural alterations and limited additions including window wells for basement egress, areaways, exterior stairs, ramps, and decks. This RTA is scheduled to be heard by the County Board no earlier than October 19, 2024. The staff report may be found HERE.
  • Certain Increased Crystal City Building Heights: This amendment would refine methods for establishing a 35-foot building height maximum that accommodates a  three-story form of development in a discrete area along the western edge of the Crystal City Coordinated Redevelopment District. This RTA is scheduled to be heard by the County Board no earlier than October 19, 2024. This staff report may be found HERE.
  • Adaptive Reuse of Obsolete Commercial Buildings: The amendment would update the review standards and entitlement process for the adaptive reuse of obsolete commercial buildings. The intent is to facilitate a more rapid recovery of fiscal and placemaking conditions that contained the continued presence of obsolete and vacant office buildings.  The County has drafted a new policy document, The County Board Policy on the Transformation of Commercial Office Buildings in Arlington, to provide guidance on tools to reduce, replace, and/or reposition obsolete office supply.  The Policy also contains related measures for these obsolete office buildings for the hospitality industry such as hotel rooms.  This RTA is scheduled to be heard by the County Board no earlier than November 16, 2024. This staff report may be found HERE. The draft policy and draft Zoning Ordinance amendment, released October 1st, may be found HERE.

Additional information on CMRI may be found HERE.