Walsh Colucci Lubeley & Walsh
Ranked Among Best Law Firms by U.S. News & World Report
Washington, D.C. — Walsh Colucci Lubeley & Walsh PC is pleased to announce the firm’s inclusion in the 2013 “Best Law Firms” rankings, released by U.S. News Media Group and Best Lawyers. The firm was ranked nationally in three practice areas and in Washington, D.C. for six practice areas.
The firm was ranked nationally in the following practice areas:
Land Use & Zoning Law (Tier 1)
Real Estate Law (Tier 2)
Litigation – Real Estate (Tier 3)
The firm was ranked in Washington, D.C. in the following practice areas:
Land Use & Zoning Law (Tier 1)
Litigation – Land Use & Zoning (Tier 1)
Litigation – Municipal (Tier 1)
Municipal Law (Tier 1)
Real Estate Law (Tier 1)
Litigation – Real Estate (Tier 2)
The “Best Law Firms” list showcases law firms ranked by major clients and leading lawyers, who were asked to rate the law firms they consider best in their practice areas. The first tier ranking includes the highest-scoring firms.
The joint project between U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers provides a comprehensive view of the U.S. legal profession that is unprecedented both in the range of firms represented and in the range of qualitative and quantitative data used to develop the rankings. The ranking analysis showcases more than 10,000 different law firms ranked nationally in 80 major legal practice areas and in metropolitan or state rankings in 118 major legal practice areas.
Walsh Colucci Lubeley & Walsh PC
Founded in 1983 and based throughout Northern Virginia, Walsh Colucci Lubeley & Walsh PC provides legal services in the areas of commercial real estate development law, business law and civil litigation with practices specializing in land development, urban planning and zoning. The firm represents the Northern Virginia real estate community, which includes local and national developers, builders, property owners and financial institutions, counseling clients on matters from evaluation of development and zoning feasibility through the zoning and permit approval, construction and post-construction processes.
About Best Lawyers
Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. For over thirty years, the company has helped lawyers and clients find legal counsel in distant jurisdictions or unfamiliar specialties. The 2013 edition of The Best Lawyers in America includes 41,284 lawyers covering all 50 states and the District of Columbia and is based on more than 4.3 million detailed evaluations of lawyers by other lawyers. Best Lawyers also publishes peer-reviewed listings of lawyers in nearly 70 other countries, covering many of the world’s major legal markets. Best Lawyers lists are excerpted in a wide range of general interest, business and legal publications worldwide, reaching an audience of more than 17 million readers.
About the U.S. News Media Group
The U.S. News Media Group is a multi-platform digital publisher of news and analysis, which includes the monthly U.S. News & World Report magazine, the digital-only U.S. News Weekly magazine, www.usnews.com, and www.rankingsandreviews.com. Focusing on Health, Money & Business, Education, and Public Service/Opinion, the U.S. News Media Group has earned a reputation as the leading provider of service news and information that improves the quality of life of its readers. The U.S. News Media Group’s signature franchises include its News You Can Use® brand of journalism and its series of consumer guides that include rankings of colleges, graduate schools, hospitals, health plans and more.