On July 12, the City of Fairfax City Council unanimously voted to adopt revised versions of the City’s Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.
The adoption of the revised ordinances represents the culmination of an extensive, multi-year drafting and public engagement process designed to streamline and modernize the City’s zoning and subdivision regulations. During the public review process, City Staff and consultants held a series of community meetings and work sessions with the City Council, Planning Commission, and other boards and commissions to gather feedback and refine the proposed amendments.
Developed with input from community members, business representatives, and developers, the revised ordinances:
- are reorganized into new, easy-to-use formats;
- streamline application review procedures;
- provide a more predictable set of land use regulations by increasing reliance on objective standards, rather than discretionary special approvals;
- eliminate confusing and outdated language;
- modify certain dimensional and use criteria for residential and nonresidential zoning districts;
- create a new “Commercial Urban” zoning district; and
- modernize signage regulations.
The new Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances will go into effect October 1. For more information, please visit the City of Fairfax Zoning Rewrite project webpage here, which includes links to the final adopted Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance.