Friday, Apr 08, 2022

Fairfax City Council Approves the Long-Awaited Redevelopment of the Breezeway Motel

On March 8, 2022, Fairfax City Council approved a rezoning and certificate of appropriateness application submitted by Pulte Homes to allow the long-anticipated redevelopment of the Breezeway Motel located on Fairfax Boulevard.

Walsh Colucci land use attorney Bob Brant guided Pulte through the application process, which included numerous work sessions with the City’s Planning Commission, Board of Architectural Review, and City Council, and outreach to the surrounding residential communities.  The approval allows Pulte to build upon the success of its nearby Mt. Vineyard community in the City, through the delivery of a vibrant neighborhood that will include 40 townhouses, 20 two-over-two condominium units, and a significant amount of publicly accessible open space.  Council’s approval also paves the way for a new 10,000 square foot commercial building that will take the place of the Breezeway Motel on Fairfax Boulevard.

In addition to the long overdue revitalization of the site, the development will result in a number of significant benefits to the City including road improvements and enhancements to the existing transportation infrastructure, streetscape improvements, the removal of above-grade utilities, and a substantial contribution to the City’s affordable housing fund.  The approved development is consistent with the City’s vision for the area as set forth in its Comprehensive Plan, and will serve as a catalyst for future redevelopment along the Fairfax Boulevard corridor.

The approval represents the Walsh Colucci land use team’s latest in a series of recent successful applications in the City of Fairfax, with several others in progress and on the horizon.  Please contact us regarding any of your land use needs in the City, or throughout the region.


Image Credits:  LPDA – Land Planning & Design Associates