Monday, Sep 13, 2010

Annual Juvenile Diabetes Golf Outing

Dear Friends,

I wish to thank everyone who contributed to our golf outing on June 7th. Please accept this letter as an expression of my appreciation for the generous support of all who contributed, played and helped with this year’s outing.

Thanks to your support, the event was a financial success. I appreciate the support of all of our sponsors, contributors and participants, and those who generously donated auction items and those who generously bid on them. As I am sure you are aware, contributions to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation are tax-deductible. We raised approximately $80,000.00 for Juvenile Diabetes from this event, which will be used for research for finding a cure for Juvenile Diabetes.

On June 7th we had 126 golfers at Westwood. We were also very fortunate again this year in having automobiles for the hole-in-one contests contributed by Jack Taylor of Alexandria Toyota, and Morty Zetlin of American Service Center. The weather even contributed!

Thank you for your participation and generosity. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please mark your calendar to save the date for our event next year which has been scheduled for June 20, 2011 at Westwood.

Very truly yours,



Martin D. Walsh


Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Federal ID number is 23-1907729.