Virginia Adopts Permanent Standard in Response to COVID-19

The Virginia Safety and Health Codes Board recently voted to approve a permanent safety and health standard (“Permanent Standard”) requiring employers to take steps to prevent workers from contracting the Coronavirus (COVID-19).  The Permanent Standard provides updates to the Temporary Emergency Standards that were adopted on July 15, 2020. The Permanent Standard became effective on January 27, 2021 and will remain in place at least until any state of emergency related to COVID-19 is lifted.

The Permanent Standard maintains many controls put in place to protect employees from workplace exposure, such as wearing face coverings, social distancing, hand hygiene procedures, frequent cleaning of high contact surfaces. The Permanent Standard also also maintains the various classifications of job related exposure risks: “very high”, “high”, “medium” or “lower”.  However, some revisions have gone into the various definitions within the standards, and the requirements of the controls.  For example, the Permanent Standard now requires employers with hazards or job-task risks classified as “very high,” “high,” or “medium” to implement certain ventilation controls to air-handling systems under the employer’s control. The requirements include increasing airflow supply to occupied spaces (provided it does not create a greater hazard), routinely clean and inspect filters, and generate “clean-to-less clean” air movements by reevaluating the positioning of supply and exhaust air diffusers and/or dampers.

The Permanent Standard contains several significant changes of which all employers should be aware including, among other things:

  • While “exposure” is still not a strictly defined term- the Permanent Standard makes it clear that “duration and frequency of exposure” considers how long and how often an employee is potentially exposed to COVID-19 disease under both acute and chronic situations.
  • Explaining face shields are not considered a face covering and can be worn only if a face covering cannot be worn due to a medical condition.
  • Scaling back the requirement to report all positive COVID-19 cases to the Virginia Department of Health. Instead, employers will be required only to report to the Virginia Department of Health “outbreaks” of two or more cases of their own employees at the workplace within a 14-day period.
  • Eliminating the test-based return-to-work requirement and changing the time-based return-to-work requirement from 10 days with three symptom-free days to 10 days with only one symptom-free day (consistent with CDC guidance).
  • Eliminating the requirement for employers to comply with respiratory standards when employees travel together in work vehicles due to shortages of N-95 and other respirators.

The Permanent Standard does not address COVID-19 vaccines, or whether employers can require their employees receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

Although the Permanent Standard is similar to the Temporary Standard, employers in Virginia should take the opportunity to review and revise their existing policies and procedures as necessary regarding COVID-19 to ensure compliance with the Permanent Standard.

Virginia employers that fail to comply with the Permanent Standard are subject to fines up to $12,726 for serious violations and $127,254 for willful violations.

Covered employers  have until March 26, 2021 to re-train employees on the Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plan required under §16 VAC 25‐220‐70 (for “very high”, “high” and “medium” exposure risk level employees). Covered employers will  still need to train employees on the standard itself under §16 VAC 25‐220‐80.E.

Any employer wanting assistance with reviewing the Permanent Standard and/or revising their Office Policies/Protocols and/or Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response Plans should contact shareholder Wendy Alexander at 703-680-4664 for assistance.

Employee Spotlight – Jessica Pfeiffer

Source: Patti Burns
Source: Patti Burns

Growing up in Fairfax County, Land Use Planner Jessica Pfeiffer wanted to follow in her father’s footsteps and attend Virginia Tech, not as a geography major, but to pursue a degree in education and history. A class in urban affairs and planning and an internship with the City of Alexandria changed the goal, but not the university.

Jessica’s father graduated from Virginia Tech’s College of Natural Resources and Environment in 1971 and made a career with the federal government as a cartographer. She would do the same—attend and graduate from Tech, but not with a degree in geography, or even education, as planned. In order to fulfill a core curriculum requirement during her freshman year, Jessica took an introductory class in urban affairs and planning and, through that program, was offered an opportunity to do what was called the Washington Semester—a 12-week program involving an intensive schedule of course work and internships with a local government, the federal government, or a non-profit organization. Jessica went to work for the City of Alexandria’s Planning & Zoning office where she collected data and information for a study of the Washington Street Corridor, among other projects. She was asked to come back the following summer. Jessica graduated from Virginia Tech in 2004, earning a B.A. in public and urban affairs and political science. Soon after she was awarded a master’s degree in urban and regional planning, and joined The Land Lawyers in our Prince William office. Here’s more about our Land Use Planner.

TLL: In graduate school, you wrote your final paper on the economic and physical sustainability of lifestyle centers in comparison to regional malls. What changes in our lifestyles have you seen since you wrote that paper more than 10 years ago?

Jessica Pfeiffer: I have had the unique experience of researching lifestyle centers and working on existing malls choosing to redevelop as lifestyle centers, as well as undeveloped sites starting the process of developing. The greater the mix of uses in a lifestyle center with a strong residential component, the more successful they seem to be.

TLL: What do you enjoy most about your role as a planner?

JP: It is always satisfying to see our planning efforts completed and being used and enjoyed by the community. I especially enjoy the work we do with churches and am very proud of the long-lasting relationships we have built with our clients and government officials. When we all work together, it’s the community that benefits.

TLL: Tell us about the projects you are working on now.

JP: I am working on many projects, large or small. Due diligence matters, zoning determination letters, sign permits, special use permits, and research are short-term projects but always ongoing. I am also working on larger projects that incorporate planning techniques and will enhance transportation. I have the opportunity to work with clients based around the United States and there is always something to learn from it.

TLL: What is your role with the Prince William Design Review Committee?

JP: I am the Administrator of a few Design Review Committees for large projects in Prince William County including Reid’s Prospect and Wellington Glen. It is mostly mixed-use projects with many components. It is interesting to see projects come together. Not everything can be contemplated at the time of the entitlement. Having a Design Review Committee review project components that involve architecture, layout, signage, and other details throughout the process is helpful in creating a comprehensive development.

TLL: When you’re not working as a planner, how do you spend your free time?

JP: I had a baby in May—Hannah is 5 months old and such a joy! She is destined to like geography and planning because my husband is also a planner and we decorated the nursery with a rainbow theme that includes continents and geographical maps and images. We cannot wait to travel with Hannah. There’s so much to show her about urban forms. We’ll try not to bore her with too much planner talk, but it’s in both our DNA. We live in Old Town Alexandria, where there is so much to see and do with Hannah. I love its uniqueness and realized back in college, during my Washington Semester, that I wanted to live there.

TLL: What part of the world, or universe, would you most like to visit?

JP: We love to travel, so visiting Australia, and London is on our list.

TLL: Do you have a hero or heroine?

JP: I know most people say this, and I will say it too, my parents. I would not be where I am today without them. They encouraged and supported my education. My mom actually heard about The Land Lawyers before I fully understood a planner’s role at a law firm. And, boy, am I glad she did. This is the only place I have worked since college and feel very lucky to have found this job. I work with such smart and dedicated support staff, and intelligent and experienced attorneys and planners. I am especially grateful for having had the opportunity to work alongside Susan Flanigan, a planner who recently retired from the firm.

TLL: Why do you think Walsh, Colucci, Lubeley & Walsh is a great place to work?

JP: The Land Lawyers are a very close-knit group and it’s because of the people. We are dedicated to our work and that positively influences our office environment.

TLL: Thank you, Jessica!