Thursday, Jan 09, 2025

Town of Leesburg Approves Crescent Sycolin

On September 10, 2024 the Leesburg Town Council approved Big T Properties Rezoning and Special Exception applications for Crescent Sycolin to permit a vertical mixed-use development containing 52 residential dwelling units and over 5,000 square feet of commercial space as well as a special exception to permit a parking area in the floodplain.

Despite its location on a low-traffic portion of Sycolin Road, south of E. Market Street and bordering the W&OD Trail, the approved Crescent Sycolin project will result in a walkable community and a vibrant, mixed-use development. The approval includes 3 ADUs and a unique approach to its commercial space, which can accommodate small businesses in a comfortable and collaborative remote work environment.

The project will include 55% open space which complements the abutting W&OD trail and will be an ideal place for residents and guests to enjoy.

Project Architect DCS Design designed the 3-4 story building to complement the attractive architecture of adjacent buildings and land uses, including the historic Douglass Community Center.

The zoning approval represents innovative, forward thinking residential and commercial uses in accordance with the Town of Leesburg’s “Areas to Transform or Evolve” Comprehensive Plan designation. This designation calls for redevelopment that positively impacts the Town by retrofitting or redeveloping older parts of the Town that are increasingly outmoded due to demographics, economic and technological change. This creates a new generation of walkable, mixed-use areas, housing options, and jobs in the Town.

Walsh Colucci Senior Land Use Planner Michael Romeo assisted Big T Properties throughout the rezoning process.